Types of Programming languages - High level languages - Procedural language - Object oriented language - Non-procedural language


Types of Programming languages - High level languages - Procedural language - Object oriented language - Non-procedural language
 High level languages - Procedural language - Object oriented language - Non-procedural language

High Level Languages:

A type of language that is close to human language , easy to understand.

Instructions of these languages are written in English-like words such as print .

Three  categories of high level languages:

  •   Procedural language.
  •   Object oriented language.
  •   Non-procedural language

Procedural language:

  • Procedural languages are also known as third generation language (3GL).
  • In these languages program is a predefined set of instructions. Some most popular procedural languages are:

1. FORTAN (Formula Translation)

2. BASIC (Beginner all purpose symbolic translation code)

3. COBOL (Common Business oriented language)

4. PASCAL (Scientific and business application)

5. C (middle level language used for system and application software)

Object oriented language:

  • OOP is a technique in which programs are Witten on the basis of objects.
  • An object is a collection of data and functions.

Some popular OOP languages are:

1. C++ (improved version of C language provide facility of working with objects and classes)

2. Java ( provides powerful capabilities of Network Programming , internet applications and GUI)

Non-procedural language:

  • Non-Procedural languages are also known as the Fourth generation language (4GL).
  • In Non-Procedural languages user only needs to tell the computer “What to do” not “How to do”.
  • An important advantage of Non-Procedural languages is that they can be used by Non-Technical user to perform a specific task
  • 4GL normally used in database application and report generation.

Some important Non-Procedural languages  are:

1. SQL (Structured Query Language  works with database programs like MS Access, MYSQL Server, Oracle etc.)

2. RPG (Report Program Generator is used to generate business reports)


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