Declaration of variables - Rules for declaration of variables with examples - Variable Naming Convention


Declaration of variables - Rules for declaration of variables with examples - Variable Naming Convention
Declaration of variables - Rules for declaration of variables with examples 

Declaration of variables:

  • A variable is a named storage location that can store a value of a particular data type.
  • In other words, a variable has a name, a type and stores a value.
  • In order to use a variable in C++, we must first declare it specifying which data type we want it to be.
  • The syntax to declare a new variable is to write the specifier of the desired data type (like int, bool, float...) followed by a valid variable identifier.
  • type nameOfTheVariable(identifier);


  • int number;
  • float floatNumber;
  • int firstNumber,  secondNumber,  thirdNumber;
  • You can declare one variable in one statement .
  • You could also declare many variables in one statement separating with commas (as in the third statement).

An identifier is needed to name a variable C++ imposes the following rules on identifiers: 

  • An identifier is a sequence of characters, of up to a certain length (compiler-dependent, typically 255 characters), comprising uppercase and lowercase letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), and underscore "_".
  • White space (blank, tab, new-line) and other special characters (such as +,-,*,/,@,&, commas, etc.) are not allowed.
  • An identifier must begin with a letter or underscore. It cannot begin with a digit.  
  • An identifier cannot be a reserved keyword or a reserved literal (e.g.,int,double,if,else,case,class,char,sizeof,for).
  • Identifiers are case-sensitive. A rose is NOT a Rose, and is NOT a ROSE.

Variable Naming Convention:

A variable name is a noun, or a noun phrase made up of several words. The first word is in lowercase, while the remaining words are initial-capitalized, with no spaces between words. 


 firstNumber,leftNumber,xTopLeft and thisIsAVariableName.This convention is also known as camel-case

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